for soprano, violin, clarinet, piano, 12 min. Written for the Washington Square Chamber Music Society. Texts: anti-fascist slogans and chants in Spanish, Greek, and Yiddish, plus speeches, interviews, and other writings by Crimethinc, Marek Edelman, Robert F. Williams, Clara Zetkin, and others. Premiere: April 15, 2023, Talea Ensemble, Washington Square Chamber Music Society at Tenri Cultural Center, New York City
text: Laurie Stone; for baritone, trumpet, bass clarinet, and trombone. 5 min.
premiere: loadbang ensemble, Tenri Cultural Center, NYC, April 2013
text: Charlotte Jackson; for baritone, trumpet, bass clarinet, and trombone. 4 min.
premiere: loadbang ensemble, Tenri Cultural Center, NYC, April 2013
for bass-baritone, B-flat clarinet, violin, cello, and piano; settings of Russian texts by Akhmatova, Bobyshev, Lermontov, and Mandelstam; First complete performance by Collage New Music with bass-baritone David Ripley, at the C. Walsh Theater in Boston, Mass., March 31, 1996. 18 min.
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